Nexus Recovery Center is embarking on a five-phase capital campaign, Recovery Rising, so we can better serve women and their children as they rise up, regain hope, and retake control of their lives. In the latest issue of our quarterly Recovery Rising newsletter, we take a look at the current status of the capital campaign, […]
Tag: client stories
January 2024
This month at Nexus Recovery Center, we cover the recent holiday party organized by Auxiliary of Nexus for the kids in our Child Development Center and thank Sherry Lane Place for collecting toys through their holiday Angel Tree. We also highlight Nexus alumna Demetra, who shows up to help others along their recovery journey. Finally, […]
December 2023
This month at Nexus Recovery Center, we cover the recent Outpatient Services Fall Festival, and thank all of the volunteers who helped make a special Thanksgiving Day celebration for our clients and their children. We also highlight former client Amanda King, who found purpose in her recovery journey. Finally, we ask you to think about […]
November 2023
This month at Nexus Recovery Center, we thank PepsiCo and its employees for volunteering at Nexus as part of their annual Day of Caring, and invite you to volunteer for Nexus this holiday season. We also celebrate 27 years of the Auxiliary of Nexus with an Afternoon Tea on November 30. Finally, we tell you […]
Recovery Rising: Fall 2023
Earlier this month, Nexus Recovery Center broke ground on the Doswell Medical Building. Located on the front parcel of the Nexus campus, this building will be the entry for all residential clients, and will house Admissions, Detox, and Medication Assisted Treatment. More than 100 guests were in attendance, including representatives from the Doswell Foundation, The […]
October 2023
This month at Nexus Recovery Center, we broke ground on the new Doswell Medical Building, which will serve as a gateway to the Nexus campus. To complement the construction site, we commissioned a mural from the Walls Project, which was painted by several groups of volunteers. In this month’s newsletter, we’d also like to highlight […]
September 2023
It’s September, and there’s a lot going on at Nexus Recovery Center, as we celebrate National Recovery Month and North Texas Giving Day. In this month’s newsletter, we feature the new ramp entrance to the Nexus Business Office, which will improve safety and accessibility on campus. We also highlight the voter registration drive that we […]
August 2023
This month at Nexus Recovery Center, we celebrate two years of Nexus Generations’ Mom Squad program, complete with a skating party! We thank Junior League of Dallas for helping us get a milk machine for our Pregnant and Parenting Women with Children (PPWC) program. We also thank D CEO Magazine for recognizing Nexus CEO Heather […]
Recovery Rising: Summer 2023
Throughout its history, Nexus Recovery Center has strived to remove barriers that prevent women from accessing treatment services for substance use disorder (SUD). With the mental health and SUD crises growing, Nexus is embarking on the Recovery Rising campaign to address the most pressing needs as part of a new campus vision. Please take a […]
July 2023
This month at Nexus Recovery Center, we talk to Nexus alumna Jessica, who says that her time at Nexus helped her connect with her family. We also thank North Texas Food Bank for helping us acquire a new convection steamer for our cafeteria, and we take a moment to recognize our volunteers from SMU’s Big Event volunteer day. Finally, we invite you to our Second Annual Mothers Brunch, taking place on May 20 at Dallas Country Club