The Pathways to Possibilities Start Here
Serving solely women on their journey to recovery, Nexus Family Recovery Center serves as a community of hope and recovery for all women and their families who strive to live healthy, resilient lives. Nexus is a non-profit organization based in Dallas, Texas that treats the whole woman by offering an array of comprehensive services, including specialized substance use disorder (SUD) treatment services, as well as therapeutic treatment and care for their accompanying children in order to restore health and encourage resilience – regardless of a woman’s ability to pay.
Accredited by the Joint Commission since 2006, it is the only treatment center in North Texas that accepts women in the late stages of pregnancy and also allows children to accompany their mothers into treatment.
Nexus achieves its mission through the help of a dedicated board, volunteers, staff, partners, and donors. Together, Nexus Recovery Center changes families’ lives, whatever their income, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. Read more about our programs >
Hope begins in the dark. You wait and watch and work: you don’t give up.
Anne Lamott