Call Admissions
214-321-0156 ext. 3118
Call for information or to set up an appointment to begin inpatient or outpatient treatment. Walk-ins are also welcome.
Call After-Hours
If you are in need help outside of business hours, contact our on-call team. If you are experiencing an emergency or are in crisis, please call 911 immediately or the Crisis Hotline at 800-273-8255.
Email Us
Email [email protected]g to connect with the team.
Our Location
Nexus is located at 8733 La Prada Drive, Dallas TX 75228. Walk-ins are welcome, or you can call to set an appointment before arriving.
If you are experiencing an emergency or are in crisis, please call 911 immediately or reach out to the Crisis Hotline at 800-273-8255.
Help for a Loved One
If you are referring someone else for treatment or looking for help for a loved one, please have them call us directly at 214-321-0156 ext. 3118. For additional resources, please check our Friends and Family section.
Paying for Treatment
Nexus Family Recovery provides substance use treatment for women regardless of their ability to pay for services. If you are not certain that your treatment will be covered, please don’t give up. Call us at 214-321-0156 ext. 3118 to find out more.
What Can I Bring?
Due to limited space, please limit your items to one bag. You do not need to bring all of these items.
- All currently prescribed medications in their original bottles (this is a requirement for admission)
- Picture ID
- 7 changes of weather-appropriate clothes, 2 pajamas, underwear, and bras
- Personal hygiene items like soap, deodorant, shampoo, etc.
- Change for vending machines
- 1 pair of close-toed shoes (like sneakers)
- 1 pair of house shoes or slippers
- Twin pocket folder, single subject notebook, pen/pencil
- Alarm clock or clock radio
- Laundry detergent (preferably liquid)
- Drinking cup with lid
- Postage stamps and envelopes for personal mail
- AA or NA books
- Transparent bag or backpack (plastic/mesh)
- Cigarettes (no vapes allowed)
- Mouth wash (non-alcohol only)
- Sheets, towels, pillows, blankets (must be brand new with tags)
- Hard candy
Due to limited space, if more items are brought than what is listed above, they will be donated or disposed of.
Additional items to bring for women entering treatment with children:
- All currently prescribed medications for the child in their original bottles (this is a requirement for admission)
- Weather-appropriate clothing, several changes of clothes
- Close-toed shoes like sneakers
- Toys, stuffed animals, transitional objects
- Stroller and/or carseat
- Child’s personal hygiene items like soap, deodorant, shampoo, etc.
- Bottles, pacifiers, sippy cups
- Diapers and wipes
- Formula and baby food
- Bedding for a twin or toddler bed (if desired)
- Required for school-aged children: Withdrawal school records and/or last report card
- Required for school-aged children: Child’s birth certificate
- Required for school-aged children: Child’s social security number and/or card
- Required for school-aged children: Child’s immunization record
- Required for school-aged children: khakis and white or blue polos
Items not to bring into treatment:
- Vehicles (unless you have no other choice)
- Electronics like cell phones, tablets, smart watches, laptops, video games, items with bluetooth, etc.
- Large amounts of money
- Valuable/expensive jewelry or clothing
- Stuffed animals (except for children)
- Vapes
- Alcohol or drugs
- Weapons, drug or alcohol paraphernalia, items advertising alcohol or drugs
- Provocative clothing
- Food, drinks, or gum
- Alcohol-based mouthwash
- Skateboards or bicycles
- Toy guns or knives
- Motor-powered toys
- Music with provocative, abusive, or explicit language