Young Supporters Council

What is the YSC?

Nexus created the Young Supporters Council (YSC) to support our Child Development Center located on campus. As a unique circle for individuals (40 and under), the YSC is for people passionate about recovery and seeking social networks to support our North Texas community. Join the YSC to connect with like-minded people and support Nexus families in need along the way!

About 1 in 8 children in America, ages 17 or younger, live in households where at least one parent has a substance use disorder (SUD). At Nexus, we believe providing a safe and secure place for children while their mothers are in treatment is an essential service. Nexus is one of the few treatment centers in the state that allows pregnant women, before and after childbirth, as well as parenting mothers to bring up to three children (ages 0-12) into treatment. Children at Nexus receive support through our Child Development Center, a licensed daycare facility that provides a nurturing environment as well as education, care, and onsite counseling to help build resilience and thrive.

What Does the YSC Do?

As a circle for community engagement, YSC memberships help raise funds to support Nexus’ Child Development Center. Members are encouraged to attend quarterly mixers held in the community or on campus at Nexus. We also encourage members to spread awareness of Nexus’ mission via social media, peer-to-peer fundraising, holiday events, and back-to-school drives. During the 2021-2022 year, several mixers will be held at a local venue or on campus at Nexus. Stay connected to learn future event dates, times, and locations!

Membership Benefits

Want to Learn More?

Contact the Philanthropy Team for additional information at [email protected] or 214-321-0156 ext. 2101.

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