What is a Pathway Builder?
Donors who give any amount each month are considered to be a Pathway Builder. Pathway Builders are a special community of supporters who are committed to empowering women and restoring families.
Benefits to Sustainable Giving

Impact of Sustainable Giving

Thank you to everyone who attended Nexus Family Recovery Center’s 3rd Annual “Pathways to Possibilities” luncheon in 2024.
2024 Luncheon Photos

2024 Donors
Batool Alsawalha
Leticia Amador
Jana Bailey
Beverly Barry
Tameji Berry
Dani-Bree Bialek
Nicole Blythe
Demetra Bookman-Hightower
Tom & Patrick L. Boyd-Lloyd
Debra Bradley
Brian Brown
Laura Burford
Cerita Burrell
Alishia Butler
Colbie Campbell
Patricia Carlos
Susan Carringer
Mitchell Clem
Claire Collins
Stephanie Crawford
K. E. Crayton
Leanna V. Cupp
Jane Davis
Lisa & Lynn M. Davis
Amanda DeGraff
Frances L. Eikenberg
Tiffany Ekpete
Shelly & Arthur Emmanuel
March Family Foundation Family
Faus Family Foundation
Ky Fiser
Amanda Fortune
Inia Franklin
Mary Anne Gallagher
Linda Gann
Rani Garcia
Lauren & Jason Gillette
Melissa Green
Louise Hallam
Jessica & Bart Hamlin
Whitney Harris
Pauline Harrison
Brenda Helm
Valerie Hendrickse
Cameron Hernholm
Brenda Hewitt-Pettit
Nancy Hickman
Lyndsay Hopper
Becky Horne
Valerie Howell
Richard Hubbard
Bill Hudson
Wakefield Inspection Services, Inc.
Ethan Irsik
Kaitlyn Jackson
Essence Johnson
Nickoria & Wade Johnson
Kate Kennedy
Amanda King
Pam King
Sharon S. King
Caroline Leal
Donna & Charles Lee
Madeleine Leonard
Brooke Lepisto
Shirley Lilly
Anthony Logsdon
Norma Lopez
Wade Lowe
Janet Lumpkin
Michelle March
Renda Mathew
Barbara McDermott
Valor McKinney
Macy Melton
Carmen Menza
Debbie Meripolski
Jennifer & Billy Murray
Kelly Naumann
Carrie Nelson
The Ormand Family
Katie Overman
Rina Parikh
Carla Patlan
Robin Poston
George Pyzik
Monica Rachel
Dotti Reeder
Elizabeth Risch
Melissa Robins
Roco Agape, Charitable Foundation
Courtney Rottman
Amanda Sargent
Miranda Sewell
Kelly Slaven
Ann Spriggs
The Stallings Foundation
Emily Stewart
Jay Tabor
Jeanette Taylor
Eddie Tealer
Kathryn Thompson
Timothy Upshaw
Roy Vandiver
Curtis Walker
Alison Watros
Jeanne Werner
Kandace Williamson
Amber Wilson
Rachel C. Ybarra
Laura Zarate
Founders Circle
Blake Biggers
Nicole and Chance Blythe
Shelly and Arthur Emmanuel
Kristy and Raymond Faus
Mary Anne Gallagher
Lauren and Jason Gillette
Jessica and Bart Hamlin
Cameron Hernholm
Sharon King
Donna and Charles Lee
Jennifer and Billy Murray
The Ormand Family
Dotti Reeder
March Family Foundation
The Stallings Foundation