May 2024

This month at Nexus Recovery Center, we share highlights from our Volunteer Appreciation event, spotlight National Life Foundation Group’s generous donation, and highlight former client Crystal, who used her time at Nexus to rebuild trust. Finally, we invite you to join us in celebrating the resilience and strength of moms by supporting our Strong Like a Mother campaign, just in time for Mother’s Day!


National Life Group Foundation Donation

Nexus supporter, National Life Group Foundation, believes that strong connections are tied to a strong community. Because National Life primarily focuses on programs that help end childhood hunger and address children’s mental health, they are awarding Nexus a generous grant of $5,000.

With these vital funds, Nexus will be able to continue providing mental health specialty services for children with emotional and behavioral challenges, and speech and behavioral therapy needs. We look forward to continuing our partnership with National Life Group Foundation who say, “We are inspired by the work Nexus does.”

National Life Group Foundation. Children and a caregiver high five.


Nexus Celebrates Volunteers at Appreciation Event

Nexus wrapped up April’s National Volunteer Month with a Volunteer AppreciationEvent recognizing those who have generously donated their time and talents to improve our campus, lead support groups, or help run fundraising events.

Over twenty-five volunteers attended the inaugural gathering that featured a creative “sip and doodle” art activity, tasty snacks, a fun photo op, and a raffle giveaway. As part of the event, Wendy Kelly shared a personal story of her twenty-year recovery while still volunteering at Nexus for the past seventeen years, stating, “I was never a resident…but Nexus has saved my life.”

In addition to presenting certificates to all volunteers for their passionate commitment to Nexus, four individuals stood out and were recognized for their unwavering dedication:

  • Linda Fyffe received a “Most Dedicated” certificate for volunteering the past 25 years.
  • Wendy Kelly received the “Most Supportive” recognition for volunteering the past 17 years.
  • Mike McCoy also received a “Most Supportive” certificate for providing chef-made meals for special holidays.
  • Brenda Hewitt, received recognition as the “Most Involved” volunteer because not only is she Nexus’ Outreach Coordinator, she is also a Nexus alumnus.

Volunteering is vital and we are grateful to those who have donated their time to the mission of Nexus. We can’t wait for next year’s event!

Interested in supporting women’s and their family’s recovery? Flexible volunteer opportunities are available including events, classes, campus beautification, admin tasks, long-term opportunities, and more. Click the below button to get started!

See photos of the Volunteer Appreciation event HERE



Crystal’s Journey

Crystal never expected to deal with a substance use disorder (SUD). She says her life was pretty much happy and normal until about 2008 when she hurt her back at work and was prescribed a strong painkiller. Crystal was almost immediately hooked. At first, she was able to get extra pills from friends and family members who had extra bottles, but eventually she started going to different emergency rooms with fake injuries to obtain them. 

As Crystal took more painkillers, she found the euphoric feeling was harder and harder to achieve. At that point, she concluded that she could either suffer the pain of withdrawal or take more drugs. Not wanting to be in agony from withdrawal, the drugs always won. When Crystal’s mother passed away unexpectedly in 2019, Crystal “kicked it up a notch” and turned to heroin.  

“I was so ashamed of who I had become, I felt like I was slowly committing suicide because I just didn’t care anymore,” says Crystal. “I would sometimes pray to not wake up after using because I didn’t want to face the reality of my mom not being here anymore.”  

There were a handful of people who knew about Crystal’s substance use, but most of them turned a blind eye to it. However, Crystal’s husband refused to give up on her. He had tried for many years to get her into recovery with ultimatums: threats of leaving and taking the kids. That alone should have been enough for Crystal to stop, but her substance use disorder had her in its firm grip. Still, Crystal says was tired of sneaking around. She was tired of being sick and tired of being ashamed.  

“I remember 3 days before everything came to a head, I was once again praying for God to help take me out of this situation, either by dying or by an intervention,” Crystal says. “I was desperate and hanging on by a thread and whichever resolution came first would have been fine with me.”  

When Crystal’s husband came across her stash and confronted her about it, Crystal says it was almost like her prayers had been answered. A weight had been lifted off of her shoulders and this time she was ready to start her recovery journey. It was early in the Covid pandemic, and many recovery centers didn’t have an open bed. Thankfully, Nexus did have room for her, and she entered detox on April 20, 2020.  

“The first night was a little rough, but the staff there made me as comfortable as they could and got me through it,” says Crystal. “I’m here to tell you that even if you don’t have family, the minute you walk through those doors you WILL have a family. The staff, the counselors, and even the clients will love you and you will not be judged or condemned for the things you’ve done in the past.” 

After completing residential treatment at Nexus, Crystal moved on Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT). Crystal says that her life is 100% better, and appreciates feeling trusted again. She no longer has to worry about scoring a fix or suffering from withdrawal. Despite currently dealing with radiation treatment for cancer, Crystal has been able to stay in recovery.

“It’s the best feeling in the world and I owe it all to Nexus,” Crystal says. “Thank you, Nexus, from the bottom of my heart for everything you all have done and continue to do. We do recover!”


Strong Like a Mother!

Our mission is to serve as a community of hope and recovery for all women and their families who strive to live healthy, resilient lives. Inspired by Mother’s Day, Nexus Recovery Center’s Strong Like a Mother campaign honors and recognizes the resilience and strength of mothers in recovery.

Your donation helps empower women and restore families. Together, we can unite mothers and continue to spread hope that long-term change is possible when there is a strong support system.   

Click the link below to learn more and donate to #stronglikeamother